Park Saadi Hotel's services include taxi services, sports complex, ATM(for cash receipts and transactions), parking, camping grounds, Internet and wireless, coffee shop, restaurant, wedding reception and conference hall, coordination for individual and group tours, etc.
Park Saadi’s parking is set outdoors in the hotel grounds and is a safe and convenient environment with entry and exits done with 24 hour security and surveillance cameras.
It has a quiet and scenic area for caravans and campers with water and electricity facilities which tourists can use 24 hours a day.
Internet and Wireless
Internet and wireless is another service provided by Park Saadi Hotel available to all guests.
This system has up to date equipment with high speed and available in all parts of the hotel including the lobby, restaurant, coffee shop and rooms.
This system is available to our guests all hours of the day and night
Taxi Service
Park Saadi Hotel, taking into account the welfare of guests who travel without personal cars, provides taxi service with the latest cars and experienced drivers who are familiar with all the landmarks, commercial sites and tourist attractions. Also we are ready to transport guests for all administrative affairs.
Providing shuttle service to the airport, train station and bus terminal are the services provided by Park Saadi Hotel Taxi Service.